Your post-mix drinks supplier

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Keep the customer satisfied

Just trying to keep the customer satisfied…

We all work in the licensed trade one way or another. We are suppliers of post mix drinks, our customers run bars, clubs and pubs – restaurants and hotels. One thing we all have in common though is the search for customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction in the licensed trade is like the secret sauce that keeps the drinks flowing and the vibe buzzing. Like another drink? I’ll get them in.

You stroll into your favourite watering hole after a long day, parched and ready for some relaxation over a drink. What’s the first thing you notice? It’s not just the drinks on offer, but the whole experience, the ambience, the décor, the furnishings – but most of all it’s the staff. Are they friendly? Do they welcome you? Can they get you anything? It’s so nice to be asked: “Can I do something for you?” rather than the cry of the working day – “Can you do this for me!”

In this business, it’s all about making people feel at home, even if home serves alcohol and has a jukebox or a quiz machine in the corner. It starts with the basics: a friendly smile, a nod of acknowledgment, maybe even remembering their drink order from last time they were your customer. It’s about creating an atmosphere where people can unwind, chat with friends, and maybe even make some new ones. When you put it like that it’s a responsibility not just a service.

But let’s not forget the drinks themselves. Nobody wants a warm beer or a weak cocktail. Quality is key. People come in expecting their favourite tipple to be poured just right, with care and attention to detail. And if there’s a little extra flair thrown in, like a fancy garnish or a cheeky cocktail umbrella, well, that’s just the icing on the cake.

At CS Drinks we are committed to providing the ingredients for the perfect drink. That’s our job. Yours is to provide and maintain a clean and comfortable environment. Nobody likes sticky tables and dirty carpets. Keeping things tidy and inviting is crucial for keeping the customers happy and encouraging them to come back again.

At the end of the day, customer satisfaction in the licensed trade boils down to one simple thing: creating an experience worth raising a glass to. So here’s to good drinks, good company, and good times. Cheers!

Steve and Dianne

Bag in box

Bag in box invention

We are all used to getting drinks, wine especially, in a plastic container which itself is contained in a cardboard box. The origins of bag-in-box packaging can be traced back to the late 1950s and early 1960s, when the need for a more efficient and convenient way of storing, selling and delivering drinks and liquids. The concept was initially developed by an Australian inventor – Charles L. Underwood – who filed a patent in 1955 for a “flexible liquid container.”

The bag-in-box packaging system was designed to address several challenges associated with traditional packaging methods, such as bottles and cans, not least the cost of making them. These challenges included issues like storage space, transportation costs, and product wastage from breakages and the like. By utilising a flexible bag – hermetically sealed like a balloon – housed within a sturdy cardboard box, the bag-in-box system offered significant advantages in terms of storage efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and shelf appeal.

Bag in box evolution

The earliest applications of bag-in-box technology were primarily focused on industrial and commercial use, particularly in the food and beverage industry. One of the earliest adopters of this packaging format was the wine industry, which saw the potential for bag-in-box packaging to revolutionize the way wine was stored, transported, and sold.

In the 1960s and 1970s, bag-in-box packaging gained popularity in Europe, particularly in countries like Sweden and France, where it was embraced by both consumers and manufacturers. The convenience and practicality of bag-in-box packaging made it ideal for an expanding range of products, including fruit juices, soft drinks, and dairy products.

In the following decades, bag-in-box technology continued to evolve and improve, with innovations such as improved barrier films, tamper-evident closures, and dispensing systems enhancing the functionality and reliability of the packaging format.

By the late 20th century, bag-in-box mixers had become commonplace in households, restaurants, and catering services around the world. Today, they are widely used for a variety of beverages, including cocktails, juices, syrups, and soft drinks, offering consumers a convenient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional packaging formats.

Post-Mix syrups drive profitability

Post-mix for profitability

In the licensed trade, maximizing profitability is essential in sustaining and growing your business. One strategy to achieve this is by using post-mix drinks, which offer many advantages to establishments ranging from bars and pubs to restaurants and clubs. CS Drinks are the foremost supplier of this service in the north west of England.

Post-mix drinks involve mixing concentrated syrups with carbonated water at the point of service. This method offers several benefits that contribute to increased profitability. Firstly, post-mix systems require less storage space compared to pre-bottled alternatives, freeing up valuable space behind the bar to offer more products to customers at the bar. This space efficiency can be also be utilised for other purposes like expanding seating areas, ultimately driving more revenue.

Concentrated syrups

Moreover, post-mix systems are more cost-effective in terms of both product and packaging. The concentrated syrups are typically much less expensive per millilitre compared to pre-bottled drinks, resulting in higher profit margins for each serving. Additionally, the reduced need for packaging materials such as bottles and cans further decreases operational costs – storage space and so on – and environmental impact, aligning with sustainability efforts that resonate with modern consumers.

Customise for your customers

Another advantage of post-mix drinks is their customizable nature. Establishments can easily adjust flavour profiles by altering syrup-to-water ratios, catering to changing consumer preferences and seasonal trends without committing to buying large quantities of specific pre-bottled drinks. This flexibility allows for better inventory management, minimizing waste and maximizing profitability.

And post-mix systems offer improved consistency and quality control over beverages, ensuring that every drink served meets customers’ expectations. This reliability fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, ultimately driving higher sales and profitability.

So embracing post-mix drinks in the licensed trade can significantly enhance profitability through space efficiency, cost savings, customization options, and improved consistency. By leveraging these advantages, establishments can optimize their operations and create a competitive edge in a dynamic market environment.

CS Drinks is central to those efforts and is happy to help establish a post mix solution for your business.

Gin and Tonic

Gin is it

Almost everyone loves a gin and tonic. The evolution of the drink is a tale that intertwines colonialism, medicinal cures and a round among friends at the bar. It all started in the 18th century when British soldiers stationed in India were combating malaria. Quinine, a bitter compound derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, was known locally for its antimalarial properties but was exceedingly bitter. To make it more palatable, the soldiers mixed the quinine with water, sugar, lime, and of course gin, thus creating the early version of the gin and tonic.

The British East India Company had long been familiar with quinine’s medicinal properties, but it was in the 19th century that tonic water, a carbonated version of quinine water, became widely available. As the British Empire expanded across the globe, the consumption of gin and tonic spread, becoming not just a remedy for tropical diseases but a beloved cocktail enjoyed in far-flung corners of the world. Somewhere it was always gin and tonic time.

In the Victorian era, gin experienced a surge in popularity in Britain, fuelled by the proliferation of distilleries and the ease of access to ingredients like juniper berries and other botanicals. This period also saw the emergence of gin palaces – opulent drinking establishments where the working class could enjoy affordable gin-based drinks.

Gin speakeasy

During the prohibition era in the United States, gin and tonic found its way into speakeasies, where it was enjoyed clandestinely alongside other cocktails. The simplicity of the recipe – gin, tonic water, and a squeeze of lime – made it a favourite among both patrons and bartenders.

In the post-war period, the gin and tonic continued to evolve, with variations incorporating different types of gin and flavoured tonics. Today, it remains a timeless classic, enjoyed by cocktail enthusiasts around the world. Its enduring popularity speaks to its versatility, simplicity, and its fascinating history. And CS Drinks is proud to supply the tonic that is needed to complete this story.

Profit improvement

Profit from Pre-mix drinks
Using pre-mix drink dispensers at your venue can offer many profit opportunities. The machines CS Drinks install and the mixer syrups they use are designed to mix and dispense pre-prepared soft drinks to complement alcohol supply – from cocktails to more traditional drinks like Gin and Tonic. Here’s a breakdown of the profit advantages you can have using pre-mix drink dispensers:


Pre-mix drink dispensers ensure consistency in flavour and quality with each serving by pre-measuring ingredients and relying on automated dispensing. Businesses can guarantee that every drink tastes the same, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Reduced Waste:

With pre-mix dispensers, there’s minimal wastage of ingredients as each portion is precisely measured. This reduces the costs caused by over-pouring or spillage, ultimately maximizing profit margins.

Faster Service:

Pre-mix dispensers speed up the drink preparation process, which translates to faster service during peak hours. Swift service translates to higher customer turnover rates, to serving more customers thus increasing income. A win-win.

Inventory Management:

Pre-mix drink dispensers allow better inventory management by providing accurate knowledge of product usage. This allows businesses to forecast demand more effectively and avoid overstocking.

Upselling Opportunities:

With pre-mix dispensers, businesses can easily and cheaply experiment with new drink recipes and promotions without significant investment in training or equipment. This opens opportunities to upsell premium or specialty drinks using pre-mix soft drinks to increase overall revenue. Why not host a happy hour with your own original cocktail.

Brand Image Enhancement:

Consistently high-quality drinks delivered through pre-mix dispensers will enhance the brand image and reputation of a business. Satisfied customers are more likely to return to your venue and recommend the establishment to others, driving repeat business and long-term profitability.

So – the profit advantages of using pre-mix drink dispensers are many. Businesses that use a pre-mix drinks solution from CS Drinks can enjoy a competitive edge in their industry while maximizing their bottom line.

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